Friday 22 October 2010

Evaluation of College Magazine

For my preliminary exercise we had to create a front cover of a college magazine and also a mock up of the contents page. I used one main image on my front page to make my front cover simple yet effective. I used a picture of an activity which took part in college(dance) to show college life and the things which can be done during. I challeneged the brief as I didnt think a mid-shot image would show the full potentional of my idea of the dancers, I used a much larger area for my image as I thought it would make my image and final idea look so much better and therefore be more effective on an overall scale. I also used a masthead and coverlines to show whats happening in Wyke College. I used basic colours to create a simple final image and black and white headlines and coverlines to create a sophisticated simple look which is still very effective.
My magazine cover is aimed at an audience of students, 16-19 year olds who attend the college and also teachers and tutors and anyone who is involved with the college or generally interested.
I produced my media piece in the way I did as I thought it would be an effective idea. I also thought the image portrayed a positive happy image of the college as the characters i used in my image looked happy as they where enjoying the activity that they was taking part in.
Overall i thought my final front page of my college magazine 'Wyke College' was very effective as it portrayed a good image of the college i was representing in my media piece. I used subtle colours which then reflected the sophistication of my image and text and then made my overall final piece look a lot better.

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